Wednesday, February 13, 2008

[Jean-Luc Godard|À bout de souffle]精疲力盡

Title:À bout de souffle
Director:Jean-Luc Godard
Release Date:1960
Language:French / English

The first feature film directed by Jean-Luc Godard and one of the seminal films of the French New Wave, Breathless is story of the love between Michel Poiccard, a small-time hood wanted for killing a cop, and Patricia Franchini, an American who sells the International Herald Tribune along the boulevards of Paris. Their relationship develops as Michel hides out from a dragnet. Breathless uses the famous techniques of the French New Wave: location shooting, improvised dialogue, and a loose narrative form. In addition Godard uses his characteristic jump cuts, deliberate "mismatches" between shots, and references to the history of cinema, art, and music. Much of the film's vigor comes from collisions between popular and high culture: Godard shows us pinups and portraits of women by Picasso and Renoir, and the soundtrack includes both Mozart's clarinet concerto and snippets of French pop radio. When Breathless was first released, audiences and critics responded to the burst of energy it gave the French cinema; it won numerous international awards and became an unexpected box-office sensation.

電影描寫了一個蔑視社會、憤世嫉俗的偷車賊,在一次次逃脫中尋找希望。 《筋疲力盡》可以說違背了所有經典電影的原則,這部電影的拍攝時間總共只有4個星期,戈達爾不用分鏡頭劇本,不租攝影棚,不用任何人工光源,膠片甚至使用 了改裝的普通照相膠卷,他把攝影機藏在一輛從郵局藉故來的手推車裡,推過去,拉過來……真正富有創造性的是那神經質似的快速變更的剪輯手法,它令所有觀眾 和電影評論家目瞪口呆,生硬的、無規則的剪接、隨意的跳接、跳軸、散亂的故事、不可理喻的人物,晃動的鏡頭、畫面錯位的構圖,特寫鏡頭之後接遠焦鏡頭、演 員有時似乎串通一氣詭異地朝著鏡頭張望,極端蔑視傳統電影技法,既表現了主人公內心無主、坐立不安的浮躁性格,又反映了社會的無秩序、無方向以及人懷社會 環境的徹底脫節。這是戈達爾的第一部長片,也使戈達爾一舉成名,這個“當代最偉大的電影藝術家”,帕索里尼說:“全世界的新電影中至少有一半是戈達爾式的 電影。 ”布努艾爾: “除了戈達爾,我絲毫看不出‘新浪潮’有什麼新東西。”《精疲力盡》被視為新浪潮電影運動的美學宣言,戈達爾在拍完此片後的感覺是:“我終於能拍出一部我 夢想拍攝的無政府主義電影了。”

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