Thursday, January 31, 2008

[Jirí Weiss|Vlcí jáma]狼之陷阱

Title:Vlcí jáma
aka:Wolf Trap
Director:Jirí Weiss
Release Date:1957

The title of this highly-regarded Czech drama translates as Wolf Trap. Set in the 1920s, the story revolves around an ambitious young provincial politician (Miroslav Dolozai) who enters into a marriage of convenience with a smotheringly possessive -- and much older -- woman (Jirina Sejbavola). Hoping to temporarily escape his overbearing wife's clutches, the husband strikes up a friendship with her young ward (Jana Brejchova). The relationship blossoms into a deep abiding love, but the jellyfish husband can't bring himself to declare his ardor to the girl. Even after the death of the wife, the husband hasn't the intestinal fortitude to admit his passion, and the results are bleak indeed for the unfortunate ward. Director Jiri Weiss does a masterful job staging his story of frustration and denial against a backdrop of post-WWI bourgeois banality. Vlci Jama was one of the best-received entries at the 1958 Karlovy Vary Film Festival -- not to mention all the other film festivals that followed.


Vlcí jáma是導演Jirí Weiss的第一部長篇,也是他最著名的一部影片,為他獲得了很大的成功和很高的聲望。導演將故事片的背景設定為上世紀20年代,揭露了一戰之後中產階級的自私、虛僞、陳腐、世故。導演以他的技巧很好的駕馭了故事片,包括心理波瀾上的表現手法、流暢的剪切、全景鏡頭的使用,等等,使這樣一部本身就非常具有深刻的社會意義的故事片,有了更加與衆不同、不同尋常的外貌和形態。

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