Thursday, November 29, 2007

[Zbynek Brynych|Transport z raje]天國護照

Title:Transport z raje
aka:Transport from Paradise
Director:Zbynek Brynych
Release Date:1962

Originally Transport Z Raje, the Czechoslovakian Transport from Paradise is set in an unusual World War II concentration camp. The lax Nazi guards permit their Jewish prisoners to roam freely about the camp and conduct their own business and social affairs, without the threat of instant extermination looming over their heads. The prisoners' main fear is that they may at any moment be shipped off to one of the death camps. In the film's incredibly heartbreaking climax, a group of prisoners willingly board a train to Auschwitz, laboring under the delusion that they are being sent to another "paradise" camp at the behest of the Council of Jewish Elders. Though it stretches credibility at times, Transport from Paradise is purportedly based on a true story.

這部影片沒有字幕,大致講述的是二戰時期德國人進駐后開始清點猶太人,將他們運輸到集中營的故事。影片亦屬於捷克新浪潮時期,雖然我對導演Zbynek Brynych並不像其他新浪潮導演那樣熟悉,但是我看過此片之後,必須承認Transport z raje是一部非常出色的作品。影片的黑白影像和鏡頭帶著捷克獨有的迷人魅力,而且故事震撼人心。
