Friday, December 28, 2007

[Gustav Machatý|Erotikon]誘惑

Director:Gustav Machatý
Release Date:1929
Considered as most important czech movie of silent era.

A groundbreaking sex scene and innovative imagery lift Gustav Machatý's largely forgotten silent melodrama.

A rural railway stationmaster's virginal but obviously curious daughter is sexually initiated by a lothario stranded at the depot by a fierce storm. Their love scene contains no nudity; you barely know the guy is there. But the sequence pulses with erotic energy, with its close-ups of the girl's gasping, glowing face, shaky point-of-view shots of her bedroom walls and, finally, the image of two drops of water sliding down her windowpane, merging into one.

This, mind you, in a silent film released in 1929. Erotikon's plot is melodramatically standard: Left pregnant, Andrea (played beautifully by Slovene actress Ita Rina) marries another man and moves to Prague, only to encounter her former lover and recover her former lust. But the film's expressionistic imagery and nonjudgmental approach to sexual desire (especially female sexual desire) lent it an avant-garde tinge. (Surrealist writer Vítezslav Nezval had an uncredited hand in the screenplay.) Largely forgotten amid the international sensation Machatý's taboo-busting Extase wrought three years later and thought lost for decades, Erotikon stamps its maker as the first real artist to emerge from the Czech cinema.

這部影片拍攝于1929年,被認爲是捷克默片時代最重要的影片之一,也是我看過的第一部捷克默片。對於我來説,很有紀念意義。導演Gustav Machaty在那個時代由於這部影片引發了很大的社會爭議,一些人非常喜愛這部電影,而另一些人則對它厭惡至極。因爲這部影片中涉及到性愛情節,在當時頗爲禁忌,以至於被低估了70多年。幸運的是,拷貝在80年代的時候被發現了,沒有因爲多年的塵封而遺失,所以今天的觀衆又可以領略Gustav Machaty電影的魅力。



影片中涉及到了一些性愛的内容,在當時的電影上頗爲禁忌。實際上Gustav Machaty表達性愛的手法是非常特別的,令人感覺很美好,而沒有任何猥瑣婬盪的感覺,因爲導演很含蓄地將鏡頭對準女主角的臉部,給其面部的大特寫,表現她沉醉其中直至高潮的面部神態變化。這種手法同樣用在了她生孩子的痛苦過程中,除了身體上的疼痛,更痛苦的是心靈上的打擊,於是鏡頭再次對準她扭曲掙扎的面部,和上一次形成了鮮明的對比,表現力在默片時代是非常震撼人心的。


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

[András Jeles|Angyali üdvözlet]天使報喜

Title:Angyali üdvözlet
aka:The Annunciation
Director:András Jeles
Release Date:1984

Angyali üdvözlet, aka, The Annunciation, is a surreal account of the history of humanity as portrayed entirely by children between the ages of 8 and 12. The film begins with the biblical story of Adam and Eve as Adam (Péter Bocsor) and Eve (Júlia Mérö), are deceived by Lucifer (Eszter Gyalog), into tasting the "Forbiden Fruit" and are thurs cast out of the Garden of Eden by God and sent on an existential journey through Time. Always followed closely and influenced by the deceptively sweet, but contemptuous Lucifer.

Script written by András Jeles, based on the book dráma "The Tragedy of Man" by Imre Madách (a similar work than Goethe's Faust -- a philosophical drama and vision about mankind, its goals, existence and relevánce). The original script was rewritten and significantly modified -- giving a much more pessimistic, darker vision about the "ultimate question" of the human race. As the tale progresses, Adam personifies one of the central characters in each historical "event," materializing as a Greek general, a crusader, a Czech astronomer, and Danton during the French Revolution, among other lives as well. This effect is further amplified by the coherence of directing, cinematography, set design, and, by having the entire film (but three minor characters) played by 8-12 years old children. Though their narration might be sometimes obscuring, but it nevertheless offers unbeatable cleanness, innocence and naturalness. The film caused much controversy in Hungary, both with its highly pessimistic vision about human history (the previous film of Jeles was actually banned for more than 6 years), and with its use (or "abuse"?) of children actors.

András Jeles


電影腳本由導演András Jeles根據Imre Madách的戲劇著作《人類的悲劇》改編而成。《人類的悲劇》是一部與歌德的名著《浮士德》相類似的作品,從哲學角度上討論了人類的根本問題——目標、存在、關係。。。由於在人類種族的“終極疑問”上態度過於悲觀與陰暗,原始的腳本被多次重寫並做了大幅度的修改。在這個“聖經故事的升級版”中的每個部分,也就是各個重大的歷史事件中,亞當這個中心式人物也順應得被賦予了各種不同的角色形象,從希臘城邦的大將軍到十字軍戰士,從捷克天文學傢到法國革命時期的革命領袖丹東,從黑死病蔓延歐洲的一個目擊者和幸存者到倫敦街頭的流浪者,親眼目睹了無數的殘殺、背叛、恐懼。。。這種悲觀主義情緒的影響更被擴大到了指導手法、攝影、場景設計等方面,使其無不充滿神秘的超現實主義以及看似荒誕的象徵主義語彙。甚至更令人不可思議的是由一群8到12嵗尚未發育的孩子來表演這樣一個成人化故事,愛、恨、性、殺戮、野心、背叛。。。可是這群天才般的孩子卻將這個有些陰暗的“曖昧”電影演得乾淨自然、真實單純、有模有樣,行爲舉止間冷靜穩重、恰如其分,氣質神韻也符合角色的性格與身份,而且還要背誦大段大段史詩式的戲劇臺詞,真是好難得啊。影片在匈牙利立刻引起了強烈的爭論,爭論的焦點集中于影片傳達出來的關於人類歷史的高度悲觀主義情緒(András Jeles之前的一部電影也因此原因被禁映了長達6年之久),以及另一個焦點問題——兒童的使用(有人稱之爲濫用)。
