Friday, February 1, 2008

[Shuji Terayama|The Boxer]拳師,為榮光而戰

Title:The Boxer
Director:Shuji Terayama
Release Date:1977

In mid-career, while he is on a winning streak, and in the middle of a fight he is winning, a young boxer is revolted by the violence of the game. He allows himself to be beaten up and quits the match and the sport. He also leaves his wife and child and lives alone with his moth-eaten old dog, all the while losing his sight. Years later, he is hunted down by a young man who is ambitious to become a prize-winning boxer. Persistence pays off, and he eventually persuades the ex-boxer to be his manager and trainer. The boy begins his rise to success, though he has a stormy relationship with his manager.

Filmmaker, theatre director, novelist, poet and sports commentator, the multifaceted Japanese film director, Terayama Shuji has had great influence on various fronts in contemporary Japan. The stunning, bizarre images in his films create a world of fantasy with many visions still looking novel to this present age.

Born in 1935 and passing away in 1983, Terayama enriched the art of the avant-garde and perspectives of modernity. He was very active in literature and art during his youth days in Aomori, his homeland. He established the internationally acclaimed theatre group Tenijo Sajiki in 1967, with famous productions including "Jashumon", "Shintokumaru" and "Mojin Shokan".

On the cinematic front, Terayama never stopped creating since his embarkation on experimental films in 1964. While his experimental and feature films intertwined to form an eerie, magical world of image, his films and dramas also echoed his favourite themes: triangular relationships inside big families, the nihility of memory and liberation. His works are a constant debate on hypocrisy of the truth and fabrication of the imagination.

His opulent life can most aptly be depicted by his renowned remark: "My occupation is being Terayama Shuji".

Terayama's passion with boxing is not only featured in his novels but he finally puts it into the film "The Boxer" (1977), his only commercial work.

拍攝于1977年的boxer是寺山修司一生中拍攝的唯一一部商業類型片、主流故事片。寺山修司一生的角色衆多,不僅從事戲劇、文學的創作,還做過體育評論員。1977年,日本著名的拳擊漫畫《鐵拳浪子》的主角原型之一戰死在拳台上,寺山修司除了為這位漫畫英雄舉辦追悼會之外,還產生了拍攝拳擊片的念頭,他對於拳擊運動的熱情最終致使他帶領他的“天井棧 敷”拍攝了這唯一的一部商業片。


這部商業類型的電影雖然是一部按電影公司要求,照一定類型片的公式來設計情節的作品,但全片仍然瀰漫著寺山修司特有的孤僻離群的氣息。畫面的處理也依然是寺山式的五彩繽紛、層次分明、形象各異。音樂也依然是同老搭檔日本的前衛音樂家J.A. Seazer合作,而這次營造了奮發圖強、熱血沸騰的湧動。寺山巧妙地讓他“天井棧 敷”的團員飾演過時餐館內不入流的失敗拳手,他們都希望拳師的比賽能為他們打出個未來,同時也為一班異鄉人製造出一個甜美的夢。雖然寺山鍾愛的心理化處理和超現實主義實驗 仍可在這部片中找到些許的痕跡,如一隻喝醉酒而離家尋死的狗、雨天窗外走過的舞者、出現在海邊沙灘上的電話亭等等,但寺山修司更多的在這部作品中呈現出一種類似於劇場演出的 現場效果和紀錄片式的真實感。這部電影對當時東京的地下紀錄片創作有很大的影響。

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